Our Blog

Google is making important changes on April 21st to their search engine that will affect y…
You can't go too wrong hiring a web designer right? So long as they can show you some good…
This morning in our hometown of Auckland we had incredible fog.  We couldn't see our neigh…
I've been having an intermittent problem with copy and paste in Windows 8.  Just as I get …
New technology has been designed created to help minimize the environmental impact oil spi…
Silent Circle and Geeksphone are teaming up to produce the “Blackphone”...
Would you be interested to watch a bunch of 3,500kg pilot driven machines race each other?…
If you’re worried about the affects drinking has on your liver, don’t expect an artificial…
PointGrab aims to take luxury living to the next step…
Ever found yourself too unmotivated to do your cardio routine? This might just be for you!…
Ever wanted to look up at the sky at night and see something other than stars or planets? …
UK-based New Wave Energy has spent the last few years developing the technology to produce…