Makmar imports and stocks a wide range of packaging machinery and packaging materials. Known for their personal service, Makmar's customers are supported by a team of experienced engineers.
Website rebuild to increase the awareness of the Makmar brand.
Improve layout to make the website easier to navigate for users, with the aim of increasing sales. Display more products from Makmar's suppliers, rather than redirect visitors to their websites, and ensure that the website loads quickly.
In our current digital age, having a website is vital. However, for some, that might seem like enoug…
A marketing persona balances somewhere between fiction and non-fiction. On the one hand, Director Da…
2021 means a new year, a new start, and new ways of doing business.
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System 7 Level 3, 6 Kingdon Street, Newmarket, Auckland 1023 New Zealand
PO Box 8772, Symonds Street, Auckland 1150
Phone 09 368 4644