The Oculus Rift is the latest in gaming technology. It is a virtual reality headset, desig…
Our Blog
What springs to mind when you read Google GLΛSS? An amazing pair of glasses that incorpora…
Apple released the new iOS 7, and it looks completely different from any other iOS we have…
There are many different ways to get your cell phone wet. Dropping it in a puddle, falling…
Most of us have switched to laptops by now, and we depend on them for study, work, and ple…
When was the last time you used a map to plan out a driving route? When was the last time …
This Taiwanese company has come up with 'smart' clothing - a way to measure your vitals th…
These mini brains are “Cerebral Organoids” which are grown by human stem cells in a lab ba…
Ever remember thinking that one day robots will eventually take over the world? Looks like…
Cota by Ossia is a device capable of delivering wireless power to charge everyday electron…
US researchers have found a way to reverse Down syndrome in mice using an experimental com…
The war between Samsung and Apple continues. Samsung an equivalent competitor to Apples im…