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Scientists have developed a new technique to help the healing process of patients sufferin…
This scandal resulted poorly on HTC, has their shares deflated nearly 6%. Further investig…
We might be living inside a computer right now. Scientists have figured out a way to test …
The kite patch is a square sticker that emits a cloak of chemical compounds that block a m…
Researchers at the University of Washington have managed to perform the first non-invasive…
Twenty-year-old Brooke Greenberg hasn't grown since age five. Mystified doctors haven’t be…
This weird suit allows people to share skills through the parasitic humanoid network. Two …
With the alarming rate in which technology is advancing, it is most likely the next genera…
People suffering from conditions like Parkinson’s or Familial Tremors can find everyday ta…
3D printing technology is extremely fresh, and most people are still in the process of und…
A team of US researchers have developed a software used to hack and control moving cars. T…
We’ve waited too long for something exciting like this to happen. I mean they figured out …