The Hardcore Bike lock

Posted 3769 days ago by Phil Vialoux

18 Nov 2014

The Lock8 is pretty much a bike lock for the hardcore.  With an everyday bike lock after you lock your bike up (and try to remember what the code is) you can spend your day wondering whether you’ll come back to just part of your bike and the lock attached to whatever lamppost you locked it to.

The Lock8 on the other hand sends out a high pitched alarm and instantly notifies your smart phone if anybody messes with your bike (I’m thinking this is a bit like a Bike Lock for your Ferrari not your normal push bike). The whole lock itself locks and unlocks only through a Bluetooth app on your phone and if you forget to lock it, once you’re out of Bluetooth range it will lock itself.

So now you’re thinking – what if my phone dies? The Lock8 comes with a Bluetooth fob, for those situations where technology lets you down.

On top of all of these (potentially slightly excessive) features the Lock8 can track your bikes whereabouts through the same locking and unlocking app on your phone. Even more than that you can trust certain friends to ride your bike by sending them a digital key to their phone!

Now we’ve covered your phone battery dying, but what if the battery in the lock itself dies?

The Lock8 can be charged through USB or just by riding your bike.

It’s a pretty interesting concept but I don’t think I’d be one to invest in a Lock8, especially not at the price of 69GBP, would you?

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