The Click and Grow

Posted 3769 days ago by Phil Vialoux

18 Nov 2014



I don’t know about you but I am terrible at growing plants. I would absolutely love to have some sort of garden, or maybe even some herbs to pretty much just sit there and look pretty (because I’d have no idea how to use them). But I, like many others usually just end up killing any plant that ends up getting too close to me. Definitely not on purpose, but I just don’t think I have a Green Thumb, whether it’s because I care too much and over water them, or forget about them and under water them, or just assume that any plant can grow anywhere (i.e. the darkest part corner of the house, because this is where I think it looks good), the whole concept of gardening just doesn’t work for me.

A plant growing in the Click and Grow, on the other hand I feel has a slight chance of staying alive if it were in my possession.

The Click and Grow is designed for anyone that doesn’t quite have a green thumb, to be able to enjoy some sort of garden. They even claim that using their products can make anyone a gardener.

The product works with sensor technology, their own designed nanotech growth medium, and programmed automatic watering. So theoretically, buy one of these, grow plants, do nothing. Sounds like something I could do.

The Click and Grow works through 4 AA batteries, so you don’t even have to actually ‘click’ anything. To top it off the company offers not only the Smart Flowerpot but also a Smart Herb Garden and their latest – A Smart Farm.

I know that I want one of these, but what do you think? Am I just being a lazy 21stcentury consumer wanting the benefits of a plant with as little effort as possible?



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