The Snaplock Mobile Phone

Posted 3769 days ago by Phil Vialoux

18 Nov 2014

All I think of when I hear the name Motorola is their old colourful Razr’s but now they’re attempting to make a comeback with the launch of Project Ara. The project works on the prospect of people wanting to have their own individual phone, where they could customize all the features on their phone to suit them specifically. This does include everything.

Project Ara focuses its design on an endoskeleton, or “endo” as they like to call it. This is essentially what holds all the components together, and allows you to swap modules as you like. Phone getting slow? Just pop out the old processor and in with the new. Going somewhere where you need an extra battery? Swap the camera for another battery. They also allow you to mess with the whole look of the phone with different coloured modules you can clip in.

Motorola has teamed up with Dave Hakkens, he’s the guy that designed the Phonebloks concept you may have see on Facebook or Youtube. Both visions align quite well, essentially resulting in a phone you don’t throw out as soon as a new model comes out, but one you constantly keep upgrading as you need or want.

As with any new technology update wanting to be successful in the 21st century Project Ara comes with an environmental aspect to it. Both Phonebloks and Ara aim to reduce the amount of mobile phones and their toxic elements that end up in landfills, further reducing waste and creating a more sustainable environment for our world.

I think this concept is pretty cool, if nothing else it saves having to pull out lump sums of money on a brand new phone as the new model comes out, but will it be popular enough to be effective?

I’d love one of these but there isn’t really much point if the modules aren’t readily available.

Let us know what you think!

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