The SkyRunner

Posted 3769 days ago by Phil Vialoux

18 Nov 2014

The SkyRunner is something I want to get my hands on, although I might be a little bit freaked out about flying a dune buggy. Apparently much like other parasail vehicles (of which I’ve never seen), the SkyRunner is powered by a propeller on its back and a parachute-like paraglider wing that hides away when not in use.

In order to take flight you simply lay the so called wing behind the car, get the propeller going and zoom along your preferred runway until you reach a surprisingly slow lift of speed of 60 km/h, at which point you become airborne. No specific runway or pilot required! But you do require a U.S Sport pilot license if you are planning on flying in the states. As for the runway almost any long and empty area will suffice, whether it be a beach, grassy field or whatever you can lay your sports buggy on.

According to reports the SkyRunner is relatively easy to control as all you need to control is its pitch and roll...and should you hit trouble a reserve emergency shoot can be deployed.

SkyRunner Flying

Weighing in at 420kg and with a 1.0 Litre turbo engine that can get you to 100km/h in under 5 seconds the SkyRocket is a light weight and small speed machine. It’s top speed is 185km/h on the ground and 89km/h in the air and manages to get 805km out of one tank of gas on the ground and 322km in the air. To me this sounds like an exciting little machine.

Here’s the not so fun side – The SkyRunner is in the process of getting its light sport aircraft certificate to then be sold for a whopping $119,000USD next year. Nothing like a huge price tag to put a damper on your dreams! And while we’re at fun sponges the SkyRunner’s suggested buyers are medical teams, aerial survey companies and search and rescue teams...Not so much the average Joe looking for some fun!

What do you think of these? Would you trust yourself enough to fly one?


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