What to do with 800 business cards (and a teenage daughter)

Posted 3771 days ago by Phil Vialoux

18 Nov 2014

I've tried card readers before - yes even the ones for the iPhone - but I've always found it hugely time consuming - and inaccurate.  The process is tedious.  Grab a card, take a photo, wait while the photo is processed, review the results, fix the problems, and finally save the card.  You really have to set aside a whole heap of time to get the job done. I've started the job a few times, but have generally become bored and stopped after card number five. 

So thank goodness for CardMunch from the people at LinkedIn.   CardMunch implements a much much smoother process which has meant I've nailed all 800 cards quickly.

It works like this.  Take a photo, and submit it for processing.  Then take another, and another. You don't have to wait to review each card before taking the next photo.  Which is where the teenage daughter comes in.    At breakfast the other day, (while hoping for a lift to school), teenager offers 'Anything I can do to help?'  Before we left the house she had snapped well over quarter of the cards in one go. 

So now, when I'm free, where ever Iam, I simply review the results.  And the beauty is, with one click, I can save to contacts ,or invite to linkedin.

This app has finally got me up to date with my contact list - and temporarily solved the never ending teenage problem  - "I'm bored".   Download it from the AppStore - it's free and well recommended! 

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