The Parasitic Humanoid

Posted 3770 days ago by Phil Vialoux

18 Nov 2014

This weird suit allows people to share skills through the parasitic humanoid network. Two people need to each equip a suit at the same time. The suit allows them so share most senses with each other. The users can feel, hear, and see the same thing, without being in the same room.

The network could work as a first response alternative to people who have no experience in dealing with situations like that. This suit could have many applications, if the technology was to become cheap and accessible.

As you can see in the video, even in the developing stages, it looks awesome, even though  I don’t understand how the whole leaning thing works. How does the suit get the other guy to lean exactly like the “leader” does?

In case of a plane accident, in the odd chance something happens to the pilot and co-pilot, it would be cool having one of those around to land the plane. Another application would be to use the same technology in robots. I imagine the controls could be used even better to control a fully mechanical robot, which would mimic the user’s every movement. All he would need now is a multi-directional treadmill and he “drive” his robot to work, without having to leave the house!

What are some of the things you think this technology could be used for? Let us know in the comments below.

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