Interface Allows Humans to Control Other Animals With Thoughts Alone

Posted 3770 days ago by Phil Vialoux

18 Nov 2014

The more we as human beings understand how our brain works, the more technology surrounding it develops. Researchers have showed how they can use a commercial off-the-shelf computer interface to hack your brain, and extract information you would rather keep secret, such as your PIN number, which bank you use, and your date of birth. And the scary part is not that this technology has limited access. The study was made using an Emotiv, which anyone can purchase for U$200-300. And what is even scarier is that the idea of hacking the human brain is now old, controlling the brain is the new objective. And it already has been done.

Researchers at the Harvard University have created the first non-invasive brain-to-brain interface between a human and a rat. This interface allows the human to control the rat’s tail using thoughts only.

The mouse is equipped with a focused ultrasound computer-brain interface, while the human wears a run-of-the-mill EEG-based brain-computer interface. The BCI detects whenever the human looks at a specific pattern, which triggers an ultrasound beam straight to the rat’s motor cortex, responsible for tail movement. The whole process takes around 15 seconds, and it is still at early stages. The computers involved are quite bulky, but future versions might be small enough for use in everyday human CBIs.

Think of the possibilities this technology possesses. Sure it would be fun to communicate with friends and family through a telepathic channel, which with tech like this, is now 100% sure going to happen in the near future. But what about the flip side? The capabilities behind this concept to do evil is terrifying! Can you think of something scarier than a fascist dictatorship, with mind control tech? Let us know in the comments below.


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